Contact & Location
Chloe Crowther
Westhope Country Retreats
Middle Westhope Farm
Nr Craven Arms
Shropshire SY7 9JL
t: 01584 861527 option 1
m: 07376 463249
What 3 Words
What 3 words is an easier way to find and share exact locations. It divides the world into 3 metre squares and gives each square a unique combination of three words. This specific type of navigation is used by millions around the world and is also used by the emergency services.
Below you will find our very own ‘what 3 words’ navigation link. This will allow you to see our exact location along with a birds eye view image of Westhope Country Retreats.
From Craven Arms take the B4368 road signposted Bridgnorth. After approx 3 miles turn left for Westhope/Ticklerton, (This turning is just after a left hand bend with a dip in the road). Proceed to the village of Westhope (approx 1.5 miles), go straight through the village and you will come to our holiday cottages on the right.
If you use a Sat Nav system, let it bring you to Craven Arms first as we have found that if you use the sat nav postcode system it takes you on to a very narrow winding road.
From Shrewsbury take the A49 south to Church Stretton. At traffic lights turn left taking the B4371 for Much Wenlock. Approximately 1.5mile you enter Hope Bowdler on the sharpe left bend turn right for Ticklerton.Travel approx 1.5 miles until you reach a T-junction in the village of Ticklerton. Turn right travel 50 yards and turn left at T-junction for Westhope. Travel approximately 3 miles and you will enter the village of Westhope. The courtyard of Shropshire Holiday Cottages and Westhope Country Retreats is on the left hand side.
From Much Wenlock Take the B4378 sign posted Craven arms towards Shipton. Turn right on to the B4368 toward Craven Arms. Pass through the village of Diddlebury and pass the left turning for Ludlow. Take your first turning right signposted Westhope and Ticklerton. Proceed to the village of Westhope (approx 1.5 miles), go straight through the village and you will come to our holiday cottages on the right.